Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Gelato in my hair and other precious things

Hello world!! I'm currently living the Italian life in the beautiful city of Venice. It's so incredibly lovely here. Unfortunately I only have my iPhone so blogging/emailing/anything really is difficult. Not to mention the spotty Internet... The weather has been.. How to say this..less than par. It's been raining pretty much non stop-except for a brief period of sunshine yesterday afternoon. Today the weather says 82 and sunny which is mildly comical because I'm looking out my window and it's cloudy and raining. Well... I'm spending time with my lovely mother in the mystical city of Venice- so no complaining :) were having a fabulous time and learning lots of useful Italian, drinking lots of prosecco, and admiring the canal, boats, courtyards and pretty much ever other "precious" and "charming" aspects of this city. According to mama everything and everyone is precious. I would agree for the most part. Sorry this is so short but I'm off to take advantage of this so called beautiful day and take a boat down the grand canal. Ciao ciao ciao :)

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